Turkey Taco Soup is loaded with ground turkey, beans, and tons of flavor. It's a quick and easy meal made from pantry ingredients that everyone will...
Crisp and savory Ham Cakes served with a fresh garlic dipping sauce is a perfect recipe to use up leftover ham. Great for brunch or dinner and can be made...
This stir fry is made with lean pork, variety of vegetables, and Chinese seasonings. It' quick, easy and very tasty, serve it over a bed of rie, a great...
Healthy, fresh and filling, this mediterranean chickpea and lentil salad is perfect for lunch or dinner! With roasted vegetables and a zippy lemon dressing,...
This quick and easy Penne Rosa pasta dish comes together in just 20 minutes with only 10 ingredients. Al dente penne pasta is tossed in a light tomato...
Parmesan crusted chicken will be your new go-to meal because it is easy to make and tastes incredible. The chicken is tender on the inside with a crisp,...
Cheesy Baked Salmon is a salmon dish where whole salmon steaks are lightly seasoned with garlic, pepper, lemon and salt, then topped with creamy mayonnaise,...
This simple version of stuffed cabbage or golumpki or Gołąbki will be ready in 30 minutes with great flavor and this recipe can be adjusted by using...
This creamy Veggie Baked Macaroni and Cheese recipe is a super quick and easy weeknight dinner. Packed with fresh veggies and topped with melty cheese...
I have made this recipe many times for my husband who is from Morocco. I had this recipe book and lost it--finding the recipe here was great. This is one...
These quick copycat empanadas are a great midweek dinner for a fun spin on taco night. Using ground beef, seasonings and other classic ingredients, this...
How to make a Chicken Salad Sandwich from the best chicken salad recipe made of all-white-meat shredded chicken, lemon juice, mayonnaise, mustard, relish,...
I very much love to cook and eat salmon and I am always looking for different ways to make it. This time, I made a sauce with fresh herbs, mayo and mustard...
One of the best things about barbecued brisket is the leftovers. This is a great recipe for using them up. There is nothing better than a delicious, slightly...
Take a simple pound of ground beef and a few spices and turn it into this richly flavored and easy Korean ground beef in under 30 minutes! A perfect fast...
This herb crusted grilled beef tenderloin is so tasty, tender and perfect for a celebration. Treat yourself with this simple preparation for this fabulous...